Crystal diffraction energy
Crystal diffraction energy

As target we use a cylindrically bent Ge crystal in Laue transmission geometry.

Crystal diffraction energy full#

Our approach allows us to obtain structural information from the full X-ray spectrum. We also demonstrate a method for measuring the crystal lattice spacing in a single shot that contains only ~10 5 photons in a spectral bandwidth of ~50% full width at half maximum (FWHM). Here we show single-crystal diffraction using ultrashort ~90 keV HEX-ray pulses generated by an all-optical source based on inverse Compton scattering. However, using HEX-rays for ultrafast studies has been limited due to the lack of sources that can generate pulses of sufficiently short (femtosecond) duration in this wavelength range. Ultrafast X-ray diffraction allows the direct imaging of atomic dynamics simultaneously on its natural time and length scale.

crystal diffraction energy

These properties are advantageous for many applications ranging from studies of bulk materials to the investigation of materials in extreme conditions. cryostats, resistive heating, four circle diffractometer, etc.High-energy X-rays (HEX-rays) with photon energies on order of 100 keV have attractive characteristics, such as comparably low absorption, high spatial resolution and the ability to access inner-shell states of heavy atoms. They are divided into two experimental setups, the laser heating and the general purpose experiment, where the GP experiments accepts all sample environments other than laser heating, e.g.

  • Provides various sample environments to generate high and low temperatures at high-pressures created in the DAC.
  • Employs fast 2D area detectors from Perkin Elmer (XRD1621) and detectors from the detector pool such as the Mar345 (permanent loan), Pilatus 300 K and 1M as well the very fast Lamda detector boded to a GaAs chip to collect diffraction images.
  • Offers micro focus of 2 (H) x 2 (V) micron 2 (Kirkpatrick Baez (KB) Mirrors) and 8 (H) x 3 (V) micron 2 FWHM (Compound Reflective Lenses, CRL) at energies of 25.6, 42.7 (Be lenses) and a 16 x 16 micron 2 focus at 60 keV (Al lenses only).
  • Hot-Air-Blower, Cryostreamer, Lamp Furnace, Linkam Furnace, etc.
  • Provides various sample environments to conduct diffraction experiments at high and low temperatures, i.e.
  • Employs a Multi Analyzer Detector (MAD, still under commission) and a fast area detector from Perkin Elmer (XRD1621) to collect 1D and 2D diffraction images, respectively.
  • 0.6 (H) x 0.9 (V) mm 2 FWHM at an energy of 60 keV (we are planning for additional focusing at the moment)
  • Offers a unfocused and collimated x-ray beam with size of ca.
  • The above requirements have been realized at the two stations as follows: The ability to create extreme conditions is complemented on both beamlines by time resolved diffraction capabilities in order to explore the kinetics of physical processes such as metastabilities during a phase transition. The second station, the Extreme Conditions Beamline (ECB), is optimized for micro powder and single crystal diffraction at simultaneous high pressure and high/low temperatures in the Diamond Anvil Cell (DAC) and the Paris Edinburgh Press. One station is dedicated to High Resolution Powder Diffraction (HRPD) at ambient pressure and high/low temperatures.

    crystal diffraction energy

    Beamline P02 is designed to meet these needs by providing two experimental stations for hard X-ray diffraction. Such a source is ideally suited for experiments at extreme conditions since they require hard X-rays with high brilliance and/or a small focus. PETRA III is one of the foremost 3 rd generation synchrotron facilities in the world due to its low emittance storage ring that creates a very small and highly brilliant source even at high energies. The high brilliance in combination with fast area detectors enables furthermore time resolved diffraction experiments at the ms time scale. The beamline focuses on harvesting very brilliant X-ray beam of PETRA III to conduct diffraction experiments at relative high energies on both single crystal and powders and extreme conditions of high/low temperatures as well as high pressures and simultaneous high/low temperatures. P02 is the hard X-ray diffraction beamline at PETRA III. P25 Medical Imaging, Powder Diffraction and Innovation.P23 In situ X-ray Diffraction and Imaging.

    crystal diffraction energy

  • P09 Resonant Scattering and Diffraction.
  • P02.1 Powder Diffraction and Total Scattering Beamline.

  • Crystal diffraction energy