Ascension thursday 2021
Ascension thursday 2021

ascension thursday 2021

His Presence remains in His Church – in her Sacraments, sacred ministers, in the hearts of believers. The Ascension did not imply Jesus’ absence from the world but began the new form of His presence through His sharing in God’s royal power. The Ascension was not really a separation, nor the Lord’s permanent absence. The disciples returned to Jerusalem with joy. The Ascension invites us to draw close to Him, invisibly present in our lives. We draw close to heaven to the extent that we draw close to Jesus and enter into communion with Him. However, heaven does not indicate a place above the stars but something bolder: it indicates Christ Himself, the Divine Person who welcomes humanity fully and forever. Humanity enters into intimacy with God in a new way man now finds room in God forever. Luke does in Acts, recalls the same mystery expressed in the symbolism of the phrase, “seated at the right hand of God.” As Christ ascends into heaven, He takes His humanity with Him. To present the Lord wrapped in a cloud, as St. God was always close to His People – from the cloud of Sinai and above the tent of the Covenant in the desert, to the luminous cloud on the mountain of the Transfiguration. The presence of the cloud that “took him out of their sight” connects the Ascension with the history of God’s relationship with Israel. The Father brings Jesus into the space of Divine Intimacy. Jesus was “taken up.” Where? The Ascension represents not so much a journey, but rather an action of God’s power. John Chrysostom says, took off the robes of glory, now is robed in Majesty – in glory from on High for His fidelity to His Father. Jesus, who humbled Himself in the Mystery of the Incarnation, and, as St. Christ’s Ascension means the enthronement of the Crucified and Risen Son of Man, the manifestation of God’s kingship over the world. Jesus has been “lifted up.” In the Old Testament “to lift up” referred to royal enthronement. Newly ordained priests too will wear the chasuble, the sign of the gentle yoke of Christ! What are you wearing? Although Mark’s Gospel gives only the missionary mandate, Matthew’s Gospel mentions being “ clothed with power from on High,” and the Acts of the Apostles mentions the two men dressed in white garments who say that “ Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.” As his disciples looked on, Jesus was lifted up into heaven and a cloud took him from their sight. With the wedding season beginning, brides and grooms, brides maids, and groomsmen adorn themselves. Teenagers ask the question as they dress for prom.

ascension thursday 2021

Little girls wear white dresses, and boys wear ties and sometimes jackets for First Communion. Throughout the country, children are making their First Holy Communion at this time of year.

ascension thursday 2021

We used to speak of wearing our “Sunday Best” to church. The question of what to wear to church often comes up at this time of year. I invite everyone to wear red, the “color” of the Holy Spirit, next Sunday for Mass. Next Sunday we conclude the Easter Season with Pentecost. He gave them the mandate to go into the whole world and preach the Good News! He further instructed them to wait for the “Promise of the Father,” that is, the Holy Spirit. The Risen Lord spent 40 days with His disciples after His Resurrection, instructing them in the faith and strengthening them to believe in the Resurrection. This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord.

Ascension thursday 2021